Auto Dealer’s
Auto Dealer’s
Insurance at a very reasonable price
Point of Sale Physical Damage
Program that allows automobile finance companies and buy here-pay here dealers to provide physical damage insurance at the time of loan origination in order to “close the sale” and protect the financing source’s collateral. (No time period restriction)
Liability/Physical Damage Spot Program
Program that allows automobile finance companies and buy here-pay here dealers to provide physical damage and liability insurance at the time of loan origination in order to “close the sale” and protect the financing source’s collateral. (Minimum # of days coverage can be effective is 4, Maximum # of days coverage can be effective is 30)
GAP Insurance
In the event of a loss, GAP insurance will pay the difference between the actual cash value of the vehicle and the current outstanding balance on your loan. Our program pays the primary insurance deductible up to $1000. GAP programs are available for Buy Here Pay Here dealers, and Independent/Franchise dealers
100%, 110%, 125% LTV Programs Available
Extended Warranty
An extended service contract that agrees to pay claims for mechanical failures and breakdowns.
Garage Liability
Insurance covering the legal liability of automobile dealers for claims of bodily injury and property damage arising out of business operations.